What is embryo glue and should I use it for embryo transfer?
Q: What is embryo glue and should I use it for embryo transfer? A: Embryo glue is a product that supposedlyContinue Reading
Q: What is embryo glue and should I use it for embryo transfer? A: Embryo glue is a product that supposedlyContinue Reading
Q: How will I know the child will be genetically related to me? A: One of the reasons that intended parentsContinue Reading
Q: Should I Choose Single Embryo Transfer or Double Embryo Transfer? A: Single embryo transfer and double embryo transfer refer toContinue Reading
Q: If my sperm quality is too low, how can I improve it? A: Sperm quality is an important part ofContinue Reading
Q: How are the embryos graded? A: Embryo grading is a procedure that assesses the quality of each embryo thatContinue Reading
Q: Should I test my embryos using PGT-A test? A: PGT stands for Preimplantation Genetic Testing. You might have also heardContinue Reading